OP455530 - large subunit ribosomal RNA
OP455423 - genomic DNA
NR_185453 - 5.8S ribosomal RNA, internal transcribed spacer 1, internal transcribed spacer 2
OP464998 - TEF1a
OP465103 - TUB2
Réblová, M.; Hernández-Restrepo, M.; Sklenář, F.; Nekvindová, J.; Réblová, K.; Kolařík, M. (2022)Consolidation ofChloridium: new classification into eight sections with 37 species and reinstatement of the generaGongromerizaandPsilobotrys.Studies in Mycology103(1)86-211. DOI: 10.3114/sim.2022.103.04
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